
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Kuo Lane Chen” ,找到相关结果约101663条。
Marn-Ling Shing,Chen-chi Shing,Kuo Lane Chen,Huei Lee
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies , 2011,
Abstract: Risk management has become an important issue in the information security area. This study proposes a Semi-Markov chain model to manage the information security risk. When the state information is not recognized as a normal state, the model can send a warning signal to the manager. A simulated model was used to validate the semi-Markov chain model.
Security Modeling on the Supply Chain Networks
Marn-Ling Shing,Chen-Chi Shing,Kuo Lane Chen,Huei Lee
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , 2007,
Abstract: In order to keep the price down, a purchaser sends out the request for quotation to a group of suppliers in a supply chain network. The purchaser will then choose a supplier with the best combination of price and quality. A potential supplier will try to collect the related information about other suppliers so he/she can offer the best bid to the purchaser. Therefore, confidentiality becomes an important consideration for the design of a supply chain network. Chen et al. have proposed the application of the Bell-LaPadula model in the design of a secured supply chain network. In the Bell-LaPadula model, a subject can be in one of different security clearances and an object can be in one of various security classifications. All the possible combinations of (Security Clearance, Classification) pair in the Bell-LaPadula model can be thought as different states in the Markov Chain model. This paper extends the work done by Chen et al., provides more details on the Markov Chain model and illustrates how to use it to monitor the security state transition in the supply chain network.
Obstacle of Team Teaching and Collaborative Learning in Information Security
Marn-Ling Shing,Chen-Chi Shing,Kuo Lane Chen,Huei Lee
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , 2007,
Abstract: The field of information security includes diverse contents such as network security and computer forensics which are highly technical-oriented topics. In addition, information forensic requires the background of criminology. The information security also includes non-technical content such as information ethics and security laws. Because the diverse nature of information security, Shing et al. has proposed the use of team teaching and collaborative learning for the information security classes. Although team teaching seems to be efficient in information security, practically it needs a few challenges. The Purdue's case mentioned in Shing's paper has funding support of National Security Agency (NSA). However, a vast amount of resources may not be available for an instructor in a normal university. In addition, many obstacles are related to the administration problems. For example, how are the teaching evaluations computed if there are multiple instructors for a single course? How will instructors in a computer forensics class prepare students (criminal justice majors and information technology majors) before taking the same class with diverse background? The paper surveyed approximately 25 students in a university in Virginia concerning the satisfaction of team-teaching. Finally, this paper describes ways to meet those challenges.
The Most Important Ethical Concerns in Science  [PDF]
Kuo-Chen Chou
Natural Science (NS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2020.122005
Abstract: The most unethical behaviors in science are of falsifying data and stealing ideas from previous investigators. But for publishing papers with high similarity and editing papers with coercion, it is necessary to carry out a concrete analysis case by case.
The Problem of Elsevier Series Journals Online Submission by Using Artificial Intelligence  [PDF]
Kuo-Chen Chou
Natural Science (NS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2020.122006
Abstract: With the rapid development of artificial intelligence [AI], many journals including Elsevier series, Springer series, John Willey and Son series, American Chemical Society (ACS) series, and Bentham Science (BMS) series, have used AI technique to run the online submission for authors. Among the aforementioned five series journals, the Elsevier and BMS have some critical shortcomings that have discouraged many authors.
Using Similarity Software to Evaluate Scientific Paper Quality Is a Big Mistake  [PDF]
Kuo-Chen Chou
Natural Science (NS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2020.123008
Abstract: Using similarity software to examine the quality of scientific papers is a nuisance. The significance of a scientific paper should be decided by the acknowledged experts. The practice of using the computer program to decide scientific papers must be rescinded or voided.
Other Mountain Stones Can Attack Jade: The 5-Steps Rule  [PDF]
Kuo-Chen Chou
Natural Science (NS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2020.123009
Abstract: Since the 5-steps rule was proposed in 2011, it has been widely used in many areas of molecular biology, both theoretical and experimental. It can be even used to deal with the commercial problems and bank systems, as well as material science systems. Just like the machine-learning algorithms, it is the jade for nearly all the statistical systems.
Proposing 5-Steps Rule Is a Notable Milestone for Studying Molecular Biology  [PDF]
Kuo-Chen Chou
Natural Science (NS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2020.123011
Abstract: In this current minireview, the cradle of the “5-steps rule” or “5-step rules”, along with its essence and advances, has been recalled. Born in 2011, its impacts on molecular biology are both substantial and rapid, fully indicating the “5-steps rule” is no double a remarkable and profound milestone in molecular biology.
Gordon Life Science Institute and Its Impacts on Computational Biology and Drug Development  [PDF]
Kuo-Chen Chou
Natural Science (NS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2020.123013
Abstract: Gordon Life Science Institute is the first Internet Research Institute ever established in the world. It is a non-profit institute. Those scientists who really dedicate themselves to science and loving science more than anything else can become its member. In the friendly door-opened Institute, they can maximize their time and energy to engage in their scientific creativity. They have also believed that science would be more truthful and wonderful if scientists do not have to spend a lot of time on funding application, and that great scientific findings and creations in history were often made by those who were least supported or funded but driven by interesting imagination and curiosity. Recollected in this review article is its establishing and developing processes, as well as its philosophy and accomplishments. Particularly, its productive and by-productive outcomes have covered the following five very hot topics in bioinformatics and drug development: 1) PseAAC and PseKNC; 2) Disported key theory; 3) Wenxiang diagram; 4) Multi-label system prediction; 5) 5-steps rule. Their impacts on the proteomics and genomics as well as drug development are substantially and awesome.
The Development of Gordon Life Science Institute: Its Driving Force and Accomplishments  [PDF]
Kuo-Chen Chou
Natural Science (NS) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2020.124018
Abstract: Established in 2004, Gordon Life Science Institute is the first Internet Research Institute in the world. It is a non-profit institute, a gift to science. Those scientists, who are really loving science more than anything else and have shown fantastic creativity in science, can become the membership of such Institute. Their driving force is not funding but firmly belief that scientists will do much better science if they do not have to spend a lot of time for funding application, and that great scientific findings in history were often discovered by those who were without funding at all but driven by profound imagination and curiosity. Summarized in this review are also the accomplishments of the Gordon Life Science Institute and its future perspective.

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